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Security provision using dogs

There are many safe and well-adjusted methods of security of property from illegal invasions. Let us speak about the one of the safest ones.

Security of objects using dogs is one of the trends of our security agency. Security of objects corresponds to the set of events directed to the provision of operations in a company as well as the safety of material values. In admitting the object under the security, our specialists shall provide the complex surveillance and examination of the object to reveal the most effective and economically benefit system of security. After that, the client shall be provided with the recommendations concerning the selection of the techniques of providing the security for this object.

In many cases, the application of tracker dogs in the security of objects shall solve simultaneously the set of tasks before the employees as well as to save the means of the Customer.

While choosing a definite type of the object security, it is necessary to take into account its individuality, own financial capabilities, and nonperfection of the acting legislation, which restricts many methods of security, especially those ones, which have a relation to the application of weapon. One should remember that there are no unsurmountable obstacles, and one can overcome everything, even fencing, wall, gate or door. A difficult situation may arise, which forces the security to take measures to restraint criminal offences. Unfortunately, this issue has not been sufficiently regulated by our legislation. But there is a decision taking into account the condition occurred, mainly – using tracking dogs for security of objects, premises, and etc. For this purpose, it is better to use the Alsatian dogs, the Caucasian Mountain Dog, the South Russian dogs, Central Asian Ovcharka, and the Moscow tracking dogs, the Black terrier, and other similar breeds.
Owing to the capabilities of dogs to timely signal about the directions of movement of third bodies, the security of objects shall receive an opportunity to take, in advance, the additional security measures. In some cases, if bodies who are in a considerable distance from the object, see the barking dog, it makes them to refuse from the idea to enter into the guarding area.
Trained dog may search the area, detent a suspected person, and it is not fed by unknown people, does not take anything from the ground, and ignores shots. Specially trained dogs successfully reflect the attacks of the armed forces.

There are several methods of attracting dogs to security services. One of them is the case, when a dog is closely tied (signal box). There is also another version of security without using ties (free guarding). In order to have a dog closely tied, the post is located directly near the guarding object as well as the chain, where the dog is tied, is crabbed to the special post. The length of the chain shall allow the dog to freely control the object. Also using the iron ring it is required to fix the chain in a steel-wire rope or wire. The wire or rope shall be stretched between two posts at the height of 1.5 meters from the ground. The post within the whole territory shall be released from objects interfering free movement of dogs. A booth is installed in the middle. A shield made of wood, 0.75x1 m, shall be located near the booth. If a guarding lot is protected by the fence with the height not lower than 2 meters, you can organize free guarding. Nor rubbish, neither cutting things shall be found in the guarding area. If dogs make tracking services within a premise, it is required to exclude an opportunity of their access to open products and toxical agents. The dogs shall obligatory have a free access to windows and doors.

In securing small objects, it is better to use one dog, which is guarded by an instructor. If a large and serious object is guarded, a definite number of dogs, special conditions for maintenance as well as the staff of dog breeders, i.e. security guards shall be required. Duty charts shall be made and routing of territory patroling shall be organized.

If it is necessary to use a large number of dogs for security of objects, a special premise shall be equipped. Each dog shall be provided a separate isolated booth with an adjoining constrain. The booth shall have the following dimensions: width - 1.5 m, length – 2 m, the height of the front wall shall be from 2 m up to 2.5 m, the back wall shall be 1.5-2 m. The doors of the booth shall have the following dimensions: height – 1.7 m, width – 0.7 m, a manhole shall be made in the lower part of the door. In order to penetrate light into the booth, a glass frame shall be installed above the door. The constrain shall have not less than 3 meters in length, 1.5 m in width, and 2 m in height.

As a rule, in construction of premises for dogs, wood, sometimes brick, stone, and etc. shall be used. The walls of constrains shall be usually made of wood, the front face shall be made of expanded metal. The floor of the booths and constrains shall have a gentle gradient to the front face, a vale shall be equipped in front of constrain. Short columns shall be digged at the distance of 5-6 meters from constrains.

If a large number of dogs are required for security, it is necessary to equip a special kitchen to prepare food as well as a veterinary premise.

In case of arising any issues concerning the maintenance of dogs or regular formation of the security system, you can always seek the help of the professional dog-breeders as well as other specialists in this area.

Under our guard

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    KAI 5006
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