Fire alarm system
Fire alarm system, installation, repair, service of system.
Each person is interested in safety of the property. And, first of all, we seek to secure the house, or office against the fires. Therefore many want to establish fire,
system. Such security alarm system will warn at once about ignition indoors. Sale, installation and service of security systems develop quickly, the wide product range is offered.
So, today there is a set of the security and fire systems calculated on installation in a cottage at dacha, in the apartment, systems for protection of the territory, for office, bank, shop.
The separate equipment and ready sets is offered, design of the fire alarm system under requirements of a certain object is made. The prices of the equipment and devices different, they depend on type and a complete set of system.
On type the fire alarm system can be wire and wireless. Installation fire alarm systems of the last type (radio channel wireless) gains popularity as it is considerable today
its installation and service is facilitated. Control of the fire alarm system of system can be exercised on the Internet, and the call of alarm can be sent to cellular (mobile phone), through gsm the message, or to the panel of private security (UVO). The security gsm alarm system is generally used to protection of country objects or on objects where it is inexpedient to keep security guards. But standard alarm systems, but not the security gsm alarm system are in most cases used. But, irrespective of type of system (the integrated security system, the wireless system working through a radio channel or other systems), the principle of work one: sensors are installed on windows, doors, on room perimeter, on glasses and others "painful points" of the house, office, or the apartment. Installation of several types of sensors, for example, of the movement and vibrations, smoke and thermal is recommended. Announcers – as active (generate a signal and react to its change), and passive are established (react to change of the set parameters). At emergence of a non-staff situation, sensors and announcers generate a signal which is processed by the controler – a brain of all system. And the controler decides that to do – to include a siren, or a fire alarm, to send the message to the receiver, or to the owner, or in general to pass a signal of the sensor "by ears". Everything depends on opportunities of system and programming.
If you need services in ensuring fire safety of the enterprise and / or other object, we are ready:
- to carry out design, installation and maintenance of systems and installations of automatic fire-prevention protection (the fire alarm system, fire extinguishing, the notification and management of evacuation at the fire, etc.);
- to deliver you necessary fire-fighting equipment, primary means a pozharotuyeshniya;
- to consult and give help in the solution of questions in the field of fire safety.